© 2025 -
Lark Ascending by Paula Bailey
Aphrodite by Paul Wilkinson
Crazy for You by Hayley Clark
Desdemona by Cheryl Gibson
Eleanor by Janet Woodward
For Your Eyes Only by Marion Chapman
Gertrude Jekyll by Tom Foxon
Rose, sp. unknown by Janice Simpkins
Preserved Valentine Rose by Slavka Belkova
Rose bud, sp. unknown by Kate Davies
Zinnia by Janet Woodward
Blue and purple flowers by Marion Chapman
Chinese Lanterns by Paul Wilkinson
Aquilegia by Janice Simpkins
Rose by Lindsey Simpson
Euphorbia by Cheryl Gibson
Willow by Paula Bailey
Nasturtium by Hayley Clark
Sweet Peas by Barbara Pitt
Fly Agaric by Tom Foxon
Chillies by Slavka Belkova
Gherkin by Pete Zelenczuk
Violas by Lindsey Simpson
Acer Leaves by Janet Woodward
Heather by Cheryl Gibson
Peppers by Paul Wilkinson
Rose by Paula Bailey
Apple by Slavka Belkova
Blackberries by Hayley Clark
Parasol Mushroom (Chlorophyllum procera) on wood cranesbill
by Tom Foxon
Clematis by Marion Chapman
Camellia by Janice Simpkins
Wild Flowers by Barbara Pitt
Shoofly by Janet Rowley
Red Campion, Buttercups & Oxeye Daisy by Pete Zelenczuk
Beetroot by Pete Zelenczuk
“Sincere thanks for all your support and guidance over the last year. I have never enjoyed painting as much as I do now. "
“I enjoyed the course very much and achieved more than I expected."
"Kate has a loyal following and the fact that students return to her year after year is recommendation in itself."
"Excellent course & Tutor, very attentive & encouraging."
"Informative, enlightening and fun."
"Helpful tutor, great atmosphere."
"Really enjoyed the weekend thanks to Kate."
"Thank you for introducing me to botanical painting. You have provided consistent encouragement, constructive criticism and a masterful eye."
Student Comments